Syllabus – all-in-one-page

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10th Kyu (Blue belt)



  1. Standing Punch (Oi-Zuki) x 10
  2. Downward Block (Gedan Barai) x 5
  3. Stepping Punch (Oi-Zuki) x 5
  4. Upper Rising Block (Age-Uke) x 5
  5. Inside Forearm Block (Uchi-Uke) x 5
  6. Front Snap Kick (Mae-Geri) x 5


  1. 5 Attack Sparring (Gohon Kumite) Jodan x 2


  1. Taikyo-Ku Shodan (first 8 moves only) x 2


9th Kyu (Red belt)



  1. Kara-Zuki x 10
  2. Gyaku-Zuki x 5
  3. Oi-Zuki x 5 Turn
  4. Age-Uki x 5 Turn
  5. Uchi-Uke x 5 Turn
  6. Soto Ude-Uke x 5 Turn
  7. Mae-Geri x 5 Turn
  8. Keage (Kiba-Dachi) x 5 Both Sides
  9. Kekomi (Kiba-Dachi) x 5 Both Sides


  1. Gohon Kumite: Jodan & Chudan x 2


  1. Taikyo-Ku Shodan x 2


8th Kyu (Orange belt)



  1. Kara-Zuki x 5
  2. Oi-Zuki x 5 Forward & Back
  3. Age-Uki x 5 Forward & Back
  4. Uchi-Uke x 5 Forward & Back
  5. Soto Ude-Uke x 5 Forward & Back
  6. Shuto-Uke x 5 Forward & Back
  7. Mae-Geri x 5 Turn
  8. Keage (Kiba-Dachi) x 5 Both Sides
  9. Kekomi (Kiba-Dachi) x 5 Both Sides


  1. Gohon Kumite: Jodan, Chudan & Mae Geri x 2
  2. Sanbon Kumite: x 2 Right & Left


  1. Taikyo-Ku Shodan x 1
  2. Heian Shodan x 2


7th Kyu (Yellow belt)



  1. Oi-Zuki x 5 Forward & Back
  2. Age-Uki/Gyaku-Zuki x 5 Forward & Back
  3. Ude-Uke/Gyaku-Zuki x 5 Forward & Back
  4. Uchi-Uke/Gyaku-Zuki x 5 Forward & Back
  5. Shuto-Uke/Nukite x 5 Forward & Back
  6. Mae-Geri x 5 Turn
  7. Keage (Kiba-Dachi) x 5 Both Sides
  8. Kekomi (Kiba-Dachi) x 5 Both Sides


  1. Gohon Kumite: Jodan, Chudan & Mae Geri x 2
  2. Sanbon Kumite: x 2 Right & Left
  3. Kihon Ippon Kumite: Set 1 x 2 Right & Left


  1. Taikyo-Ku Shodan x 1
  2. Heian Shodan x 1
  3. Heian Nidan x 2


6th Kyu (Green belt)


  1. Sanbon-Zuki x 5 Forward & Back
  2. Age-Uki/Gyaku-Zuki/Gedan Barai x 5 Forward & Back
  3. Ude-Uke/Gyaku-Zuki/Gedan Barai x 5 Forward & Back
  4. Uchi-Uke/Gyaku-Zuki/Gedan Barai x 5 Forward & Back
  5. Shuto-Uke/Mae-Geri (Front Leg)/Nukite x 5 Forward & Back
  6. Mae-Geri x 5 Turn
  7. Keage (Kiba-Dachi) x 5 Both Sides
  8. Kekomi (Zenkutsu-Dachi) x 5 Turn
  9. Mawashi-Geri x 5 Turn
  10. Ren Geri: Mae-Geri Jodan/Chudan x 3 Turn
  11. Ren Geri: Mae-Geri Chudan/Jodan x 3 Turn


  1. Sanbon Kumite: Jodan, Chudan & Mae Geri x 2 Right & Left
  2. Kihon Ippon Kumite: Set 1 x 2 Right & Left
  3. Kihon Ippon Kumite: Set 2 x 2 Right & Left


  1. Heian Shodan x 1
  2. Heian Nidan x 1
  3. Heian Sandan x 2


5th Kyu (Purple belt)


  1. Sanbon-Zuki x 5 Forward & Back
  2. Age-Uki/Mae-Geri (Back Leg)/Gyaku-Zuki x 5 Forward & Back
  3. Ude-Uke/Empi (Kiba Dachi)/Uraken x 5 Forward & Back
  4. Uchi-Uke/Kizami-Zuki/Gyaku-Zuki x 5 Forward & Back
  5. Shuto-Uke/Mae-Geri (Front Leg)/Nukite x 5 Forward & Back
  6. Mae-Geri/Oi-Zuki x 5 Turn
  7. Mae-Geri/Gyaku-Zuki x 5 Turn
  8. Ren Geri: Mae-Geri Chudan/Jodan x 3 Turn
  9. Ren Geri: Mae-Geri/Mawashi-Geri x 3 Turn
  10. Ren Geri: Mae-Geri/Kekomi x 3 Turn


  1. Kaeshi Ippon Kumite: Set 1 x 2 Right & Left
  2. Kihon Ippon Kumite: Set 2 x 2 Right & Left
  3. Kihon Ippon Kumite: Set 3 x 2 Right & Left


  1. Heian Yondan x 2
  2. Two previous Kata of Examiner’s choice x 1 Each


4th Kyu (Purple White belt)


  1. Sanbon-Zuki/Mae-Geri/Sanbon-Zuki x 5 Turn
  2. Age-Uki/Mae-Geri/Gyaku-Zuki/Gedan-Barai x 5 Forward & Back
  3. Ude-Uke/Empi/Uraken/Gyaku-Zuki/Gedan-Barai x 5 Forward & Back
  4. Uchi-Uke (Kokutsu Dachi)/Kizami-Zuki/Gyaku-Zuki/Gedan-Barai x 5 Forward & Back
  5. Shuto-Uke/Mae-Geri (Front Leg)/Nukite x 5 Forward & Back
  6. Mae-Geri/Mawashi-Geri/Uraken/Gyaku-Zuki/Gedan-Barai x 5 Turn
  7. Mae-Geri/Kekomi/Shuto-Uchi/Gyaku-Zuki/Gedan-Barai x 5 Turn
  8. Keage (Kiba Dachi)/Gyaku-Zuki (Zenkutsu Dachi)/Gedan-Barai (Kiba Dachi) x 5 Turn


  1. Kaeshi Ippon Kumite: Set 1 & 2 x 2 Right & Left
  2. Kihon Ippon Kumite: Set 2 x 1 Right & Left
  3. Kihon Ippon Kumite: Set 3 x 1 Right & Left
  4. Kihon Ippon Kumite: Set 4 x 2 Right & Left


  1. Heian Godan x 2
  2. Two Previous Kata of Examiner’s Choice x 1 Each


3rd Kyu (Brown belt)


  1. Sanbon-Zuki/Mae-Geri/Sanbon-Zuki x 5 Turn
  2. Age-Uki/Mae-Geri/Gyaku-Zuki/Gedan-Barai x 5 Forward & Back
  3. Ude-Uke/Empi/Uraken/Gyaku-Zuki/Gedan-Barai x 5 Forward & Back
  4. Uchi-Uke (Kokutsu Dachi)/Kizami-Zuki/Gyaku-Zuki/Gedan-Barai x 5 Forward & Back
  5. Shuto-Uke/Mae-Geri (Front Leg)/Nukite x 5 Forward & Back
  6. Mae-Geri/Mawashi-Geri/Uraken/Gyaku-Zuki/Gedan-Barai x 5 Turn
  7. Mae-Geri/Kekomi/Shuto-Uchi/Gyaku-Zuki/Gedan-Barai x 5 Turn
  8. Keage (Kiba Dachi)/Gyaku-Zuki (Zenkutsu Dachi)/Gedan-Barai (Kiba Dachi) x 5 Turn
  9. Ushiro-Geri x 5 Turn
  10. Face the Front: Mae-Geri/Kekomi (same leg) x 5 Both Sides


  1. Kihon Ippon Kumite: Two Previous Sets x 1 Right & Left
  2. Shin Gohon Kumite (outside defences only) x 2
  3. Kaeshi Ippon Kumite (sets 1,2 & 3) x 1 Right & Left
  4. Kihon Ippon Kumite: Set 5 (Free) x 2 Right & Left
  5. Jiyu Ippon Kumite: Set 1 x 1 Right & Left


  1. Tekki Shodan x 2
  2. Three Previous Kata of Examiner’s Choice x 1 Each


2nd Kyu (Brown White belt)


  1. Sanbon-Zuki/Mae-Geri/Sanbon-Zuki x 5 Turn
  2. Age-Uki/Mae-Geri/Gyaku-Zuki/Gedan-Barai x 5 Forward & Back
  3. Ude-Uke/Empi/Uraken/Gyaku-Zuki/Gedan-Barai x 5 Forward & Back
  4. Uchi-Uke (Kokutsu Dachi)/Kizami-Zuki/Gyaku-Zuki/Gedan-Barai x 5 Forward & Back
  5. Shuto-Uke/Mawashi-Geri (Front Leg)/Nukite x 5 Forward & Back
  6. Mae-Geri/Mawashi-Geri/Uraken/Gyaku-Zuki/Gedan-Barai x 5 Turn
  7. Mae-Geri/Kekomi/Shuto-Uchi/Gyaku-Zuki/Gedan-Barai x 5 Turn
  8. Keage (Kiba Dachi)/Gyaku-Zuki (Zenkutsu Dachi)/Gedan-Barai (Kiba Dachi) x 5 Turn
  9. Ushiro-Geri/Gyaku-Zuki x 5 Turn
  10. Face the Front: Mae-Geri/Kekomi (same leg) x 5 Both Sides
  11. Face the Front: Mae-Geri/Mawashi-Geri (same leg) x 5 Both Sides


  1. Kihon Ippon Kumite: Two Previous Sets x 1 Right & Left
  2. Shin Gohon Kumite (inside defences only) x 2
  3. Kaeshi Ippon Kumite (sets 1,2 & 3) x 1 Right & Left
  4. Kihon Ippon Kumite: Set 5 (Free) x 2 Right & Left
  5. Jiyu Ippon Kumite: Sets 1 & 2 x 1 Right & Left


  1. Bassai-Dai x 2
  2. Tekki Shodan x 1
  3. Three Previous Kata of Examiner’s Choice x 1 Each


1st Kyu (Brown 2-White belt)


  1. Sanbon-Zuki/Mae-Geri/Sanbon-Zuki x 5 Turn
  2. Age-Uki/Mae-Geri/Gyaku-Zuki/Gedan-Barai x 5 Forward & Back
  3. Ude-Uke/Empi/Uraken/Gyaku-Zuki/Gedan-Barai x 5 Forward & Back
  4. Uchi-Uke (Kokutsu Dachi)/Kizami-Zuki/Gyaku-Zuki/Gedan-Barai x 5 Forward & Back
  5. Shuto-Uke/Mawashi-Geri (Front Leg)/Nukite x 5 Forward & Back
  6. Mae-Geri/Mawashi-Geri/Uraken/Gyaku-Zuki/Gedan-Barai x 5 Turn
  7. Mae-Geri/Kekomi/Shuto-Uchi/Gyaku-Zuki/Gedan-Barai x 5 Turn
  8. Ushiro-Geri/Uraken/Gyaku-Zuki x 5 Turn
  9. Kekomi (Front Leg)/Mae-Geri (Back Leg) & Step Forward x 5 Turn
  10. Keage (Kiba Dachi)/Gyaku-Zuki (Zenkutsu Dachi)/Gedan-Barai (Kiba Dachi) x 5 Turn
  11. Face the Front: Mae-Geri/Kekomi (same leg) x 5 Both Sides
  12. Face the Front: Mae-Geri/Mawashi-Geri x 5 Both Sides
  13. Face the Front: Mae-Geri/Ushiro-Geri x 5 Both Sides


  1. Kihon Ippon Kumite: Two Previous Sets x 1 Right & Left
  2. Shin Gohon Kumite (outside & inside defences) x 2
  3. Kaeshi Ippon Kumite (sets 1,2 & 3) x 1 Right & Left
  4. Kihon Ippon Kumite: Set 5 (Free) x 2 Right & Left
  5. Jiyu Ippon Kumite: Sets 1, 2 & 3 x 1 Right & Left


  1. A choice of one of the following Kata: Kanku-Dai, Empi, Jion, Jitte, Ji’in x 2
  2. Bassai-Dai x 1
  3. Three Previous Kata of Examiner’s Choice x 1 Each

Kyusho Jitsu

The candidate will be expected to have sufficient knowledge to be able to identify 4 pressure/vital points on the arm, 2 on the leg and 4 on the head/neck, providing details of direction/angle of strike.